Why should I use Netscape 7.0 again?

As compelling as Radio @ Netscape, integrated AIM, Net 2 Phone and thousands of useless icons on my desktop are, I can't imagine any reason to use Netscape 7.0 if they are not going to include the pop-up ad blocking feature.

From: Dodging pop-ups with Mozilla

» posted by jeffp on August 14, 2002 at 05:22 PM


Apparently you can still disable popups in NS7 using a command in the prefs.js file. I think the biggest reason for someone to use NS7 over Mozilla at the moment is the spell checker, although personally I'm happy enough without one.

# posted by Simon Willison

Forget altering the prefs.js file, just download and
install the adblocker.xpi file, from the link below . . .

Restore Mozilla ad-blocker facility in Netscape 7.0

I've tested it in all platforms that Netscape 7.0PR1 is
available for Win32, Linux and Mac OS, and it works.
It should also work on the forthcoming full release.

# posted by DJGM

You can install a spelling checker for Mozilla from spellchecker.mozdev.org

# posted by Matthew Wilson

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