Bookmark Backup for Mozilla Firebird

In scanning the MozillaZine Forums some while ago I happened upon a utility that automates Bookmark Backup. It's currently version 0.1.2 and available at this site. Here's a summary of what the plugin does and how it works, from it's author (Pike):

An extremely basic extension that creates a backup of the bookmarks file each time Firebird is closed. The backups can be found in the Firebird profile directory. They will be named bookmarks.html. e.g. bookmarks.html.sun, bookmarks.html.mon, bookmarks.html.tue, etc. If Firebird's bookmarks become corrupted or lost simply find the backup for the previous day and rename it to bookmarks.html (if necessary delete the corrupted version first).

Of note: In using the extension on Firebird in Linux, I found that in order for the extension to work properly, I had to manually adjust permissions on the Backups folder. Pike recently told me he'll address this issue, of proper permissions, when he has the time to do so.

Update: Now version 0.2. Pike has just released what he believes to be a working permissions fix for this extension (under Linux). The newer version will also now allow you to decide where you'd like your bookmarks to backup to.

» posted by jonathan on October 24, 2003 at 11:09 AM


My vote for most useless extension ever.

# posted by Darren

I've found this extension to be quite reassuring, and by no means useless. Quite often I read posts in the MozillaZine Forums about bookmarks being hosed.

This extension exists in response to such occurrences, albeit admittedly rare, as a backup solution.

# posted by Jonathan

It gets my vote too Darren


# posted by tbk

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