Mozilla Thunderbird 0.6a Released, with New Artwork

Mozilla Thunderbird Mozilla Thunderbird 0.6a, based on the Mozilla Mail 1.7 branch, was released yesterday. Incredible new artwork has landed on this build, courtesy of the Mozilla Visual Identity Team.

Curious of the creation process of the brand-new Thunderbird mail icon? Drop by Steven Garrity's post on the topic. Steven heads the team and intends to keep a running list of weblog entries from members of the group.

Also new to the nightly:

More improvement details at this builds' release notes in the MozillaZine forums. Thanks Scott, and all other Thunderbird developers/contributors.

Similar: Firebird Rebranded...Again.

» posted by jonathan on April 21, 2004 at 10:01 PM


Any chance the new icons will come to the *trunk* nightlies? When?

# posted by Peter Lairo

Indeed! I want my GTK2/XFT linux build! ^^

# posted by b3

So we got new art and a bunch of new bugs (67)... but not the long waited "Hide folders".

Do the developers read the forums?

# posted by Saiyine

Followed intstruction to the letter. Clicked on icon, program box appeared containing ASCII only, no buttons, no set up, icons, anything but the ASCII contents of the page. When the command line Tools was mouse overed, a black box appeared with no readable lines. Clicking on the box brought up a full screen with the ASCII name of the box selected in the upper right hand corner.
Reinstallation of 0.5 brought everything back into good running order. Will wait for 0.7

# posted by sgtret

I just migrated from IE and am annoyed at the the lack of superscroll-on-middle-click in Mozilla. Adjusting now...

# posted by Mike


A good idea to blog federate Mozilla !


# posted by jmicaux

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