More mozilla/browser screenshots

Mr. Burns needs the world's most devious assassin: Fernando Vidal

Mr. Burns: Let's see... Mesmerists, Dowsers, Luddites, Alienists, Zoroastrians, Alphabetizers... A-ha! Assassins...
Vidal: Hola?
Burns: Fernando, it's M.B.
Vidal: Ah, Marion Barry. Is it time for another shipment already?

hehe, that's the line from Simpsons Jeff and I always quote when we talk about m/b


Here are a lot more mozilla/browser screenshots:

Jeff compiled mozilla/browser, zipped it, and sent it to me. So if you have any "props" that are "mad", or even slightly ill-tempered, give them to him.

Some other m/b notes:

If there are any other screens in m/b you'd like to see a screenshot of, let us know.

» posted by pinder on May 13, 2002 at 06:35 PM


I'd love to see a screenshot of tabbed browsing, if it is implemented yet :).

# posted by Jeff Hume

Tabbed browsing is actually exactly the same as it is in Mozilla.

# posted by pinder

I'd bee cool if you could post the zipped m/b for download. I'd like to try it out.

# posted by Toby

I have a zip of m/b, but it's about 11MB, so I can't host it on this server for bandwidth reasons. If anyone has bandwidth and a server they would like to share with others here, let me know and I will upload it.

# posted by pinder

this is pure creativity!

# posted by lancer

Uh-oh, I could put it up in two separate public locations but I'm not quite sure how much traffic it would generate. I can handle modest downloads for some time but not 24/7 mad leeching.

# posted by sven

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