Minor design update

I made a few minor changes to this site today:

If anything looks wrong, let me know.

» posted by pinder on July 01, 2002 at 05:59 PM


Ironically, something about the LI tags in this post breaks the XHTML compliance.

# posted by WebGremlin

Fixed. We're good friends with irony too :)

# posted by pinder

"There's no trick to it, it's just a simple trick"? Interesting way of putting it. ;)

# posted by Lach

Hi there.
Will you contribute your simple search-script? Did you switch to SQL with MT 2.21 for this?
Maybe you can help out a perl-DAU like me...

# posted by Nico

Nico, I based my script off the one described in this A List Apart article: A Search Engine in Perl

# posted by pinder

Well, thanx for that link, Pinder. I'll try...

# posted by Nico

No chance we will ever see that kode for your search component in the evil Perl for Movable Type?

# posted by Jason Key

Since you've asked, here it is as is. It's not a proper component perl script for MT. It's just a basic search script that searches the contents of .html files in the archives folder. I will probably replace it with a php script when I updgrade MT to the mysql compatible version.

# posted by pinder

Ahhh good man!! Thanks!! Will take a look and post back to you how well it works, and heap upon you the praise you deserve!!


# posted by Jason Key

Got it up and working .. thanks again, and you are credited!! Thanks again!!

# posted by Jason Key

The search script is fantastic. I have implemented some of diveintomark.org accessibility tips in particular providing alternate navigation using <link> tags. The article is found here. Problem is the script picks up the query terms in the <link> tags. Is there a way to exclude the link tags in the search. My lack of knowledge of Perl is really showing here. Any help appreciated.

# posted by Michael Payne

You'd need some regular expression to parse out the tags. Sorry, I'm no regex expert. Try google or google groups!

# posted by pinder

How do i see that RSS 1.0 RDF version?, Is there some application which i must get? or some CSS? or...??

# posted by lancer

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