Memory footprint in the latest nightly builds

Pinder pointed out some interesting data on the memory footprint in the latest nightly builds. When quicklaunch is running, the memory usage is dramatically lower.

For Mozilla running two open windows, Task Manager tells me:

Image Name
Mem Usage
VM Size

Of course, these numbers grow considerable as you use mozilla.

Now, when all the windows are closed and just quicklaunch is running, these are the numbers that I'm seeing:

Image Name
Mem Usage
VM Size

This is a huge memory savings in Mozilla, especially considering how bad mozilla used to be in eating up my free memory. This makes my JVM much happier when I'm running IntelliJ

» posted by jeffp on May 27, 2002 at 09:14 AM


What happened?

# posted by rgw

I know that Quick Launch was redesigned in the trunk builds, is this what you are referring to, or is this the case in 1.0 branch builds as well?

# posted by Shark Daddy

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