
I just discovered one more reason why Mozilla is better than IE.

Mozilla has 'bookmarks', IE has 'favorites'

Why is this better? Because who are these people at Microsoft to tell me if some link is my favorite? I just want to keep track of a website about Veterinary requirements for pets traveling to Prague, but by doing so in IE, I'm apparently giving this site my personal stamp of approval that I think this site is great!

To top that off, when I first install IE, it has the gall to tell me what my favorites sites are!

I have folders full of crap that I have never been to and never will go to that apparently are my favorite sites.

Well thank you Microsoft for telling me this! I never knew I liked these sites before you populated my favorites folder with all these links.

Whoa, I've got to cut back on the coffee, or at least switch to decaf.

» posted by jeffp on July 24, 2002 at 12:19 PM


Not to mention that 'to bookmark' works as a verb (e.g. "that site's rad, bookmark it!"), but "to favorite"? Right.

Oh, and they spell Favourite wrong.

# posted by Richard

I am pretty sure that IE used 'favorites' because Netscape (at that time the dominant browser) used 'bookmarks' and they wanted to be different.

Also note that on a clean Mozilla install, your Bookmarks tree is similarly preloaded with a bunch of stuff you'll rarely visit.

# posted by Anser

>> Also note that on a clean Mozilla install, your Bookmarks tree is similarly preloaded with a bunch of stuff you'll rarely visit.

true, but the software is only suggesting destinations, not implying (because of the word used) that it knows what you like best.

# posted by webgremlin

I don't like IE, but don't you think this is being just a little petty? :)

# posted by Agagooga

I dont think its "petty" to have likes and dislikes about software. I disliked "favorites" for a number of reasons including that I had to click twice to bookmark a page (petty maybe?!) and as someone else has said, its spelt wrong. I dont know why they didnt bother to internationalise this word along with the rest.

But yeah I agree, things I bookmark arent necessarily favourite sites for me. Actually doesnt the term "favorites" make less sense in another way, if favourite is an adjective then why use it as plural noun.
My £0.02 :-)

# posted by Daz

So, are you going to share that bookmark with us? About pets traveling to Prague?

# posted by Owen

Also, Mozilla implements site icons in an useful way: when you visit the site, the icon is shown.
You don't need to bookmark the site to see the icon like in IE... then again you don't see the icon in your bookmarks like in IE... then again even in IE it disappears from the bookmarks in a few days !
And you can use animated gif, or png, or other formats for your site icon, which is just so cool :D

# posted by michel v

I have found that I like Phoenix much much better than IE (having been a hard-core IE enthusiast up to a week ago). But about bookmarks...I would like to be able to remove the "Bookmarks Toolbar Folder," but I can't. I never used the "Links" folder in IE. But at least I could get rid of it.

# posted by Jonathan

I don't like IE that much and it malfunctions all the time. I haven't tried Mozilla in a long time but I'm thinking of trying it again just to see if it's gotten any better.

# posted by Beer

Mozilla is moving along great. If you're a Linux user I recommend galleon which is Mozilla with a different user interface. Does anyone know the path where Mozilla keeps its bookmarks? In IE I can go and edit my bookmarks (yes i still call them bookmarks, I actually choose not to have the word Favorites displayed) with the file explorer, but I can't seem to do this with Mozilla for some reason.

# posted by neil5280

# posted by michel v

I have found that I like Phoenix much much better than IE (having been a hard-core IE enthusiast up to a week ago). But about bookmarks...I would like to be able to remove the "Bookmarks Toolbar Folder," but I can't. I never used the "Links" folder in IE. But at least I could get rid of it.

Heh it is your lucky day, in Mozilla it is quite easy to remove the folder, click manage then right click and hit 'cut'. Good bye folder!

# posted by Matt

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