November 30, 2005

View Source Bug Fixed and a Tip

Mozilla has, without a doubt, raised the bar with Firefox 1.5. Amongst the countless enhancements and bug fixes, though, I found something to make particular mention of, that of view source and bug 262915.

Before, the view-source pseudo protocol (i.e. accessing view source from the location bar instead of by shortcut) would open a new browser window. For a single-window/tab user like myself, this bug was annoying — to say the least. But now with that particular bug fixed, page source can remain in a tab, alongside all other open tabs. And here's where the tip comes in...

Combine keyword searching (we recommend the keyword 'vs' for, wait for it, view source) with this bookmarklet and navigate to any page you'd like to view the source of. Replace the URL in the location bar with 'vs' (or applicable keyword) and hit enter to view source in a tab.

Finally, I'm looking for a way to keep the original site in a tab and open the source in an adjacent tab. Any way to accomplish this with one bookmarklet?

Update 2005-12-03: A Blogzilla visitor created the extension View Source Choice, which addresses the request above.

Posted by jonathan at 8:52 PM | Comments (6)

Google Jobs: Firefox Engineer

Google Jobs: Software Engineer, Firefox - Mountain View

Google is looking for software engineers to join us in our collaborative development efforts with the Mozilla Foundation on the Firefox browser.

Most likely you'd be working along side Ben Goodger and Brian Ryner. And the rest of the time you'll be working on Google Browser? hmmm? hmmm!

Posted by pinder at 5:13 PM | Comments (3)

Canvas Demos

New in Firefox 1.5 is support of the <canvas> tag, which is a new HTML element that can be used to draw graphics using JavaScript. It's not SVG, even though it overlaps functionality with SVG.

Rafael Robayna has created a simple painter demo. A little more detailed is the first-person shooter demonstration.

While both are a little slow and not so smooth, it's still cool to see something like this is possible.

More on <canvas> tag:
Mozilla Developer entry for Canvas
Mozilla Wiki entry for Canvas

Posted by pinder at 11:10 AM | Comments (2)


After a long, dormant hiatus, Blogzilla is back. Blogging is hard, and interests wane, but Firefox has been on a roll as of late, and interests have been renewed.

Oh, and also, we've sold out:

In real news, the Mozilla site has been redesigned and is now at and Firefox 1.5 is now out.

Posted by pinder at 1:47 AM | Comments (1)