Google Browser Revolutions

BBC NEWS: Rumours surround Google browser

"Google-watcher and web-designer Jason Kottke said Google's interest in Mozilla was significant for another reason. He said the work that Google is doing on Gmail and Blogger show it is definitely interested in building software that more like familiar desktop programs rather than web applications. "

That's the gist of the XUL theory I posted about yesterday said in a non tech way.

eWeek: Is Google Ready to Browse?. I'm quoted on page 2:

Web developer Pinder Johal, who first reported on his Blogzilla blog about sighting Google in a Mozilla bug report, has his doubts. He said he would expect other types of applications, such as instant messaging, to be a bigger priority for Google.

"There's nothing conclusive out there, but a lot of people are speculating," Johal said. "I'm still skeptical about it all. Other than an R&D type of thing, I don't think they're going to launch something like they did with Gmail."

Thus concludes the Google Browser Trilogy. Unless of course Google releases it tomorrow.

» posted by pinder on September 24, 2004 at 10:25 AM


They're already experimenting!

# posted by Graham

No they aren't... that's an old Netscape sidebar app. Nothing new and reported and verified all over the web this week.

# posted by Daniel Beckham

Love Mozilla so don't fuck with it.

# posted by James Childs

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