AOL Communicator == Minotaur

Well, maybe not exactly. But it is in spirit.

So, to follow up on Pinder's post from yesterday, I downloaded the beta and installed it. Lo and behold! It's Mozilla mail!

Basically, this is the mail/news branch of Mozilla (around version 1.2 + spam filtering it seems).

Ok, so for the part people should be intested in:

Over all, it's ALMOST a usable alterternative until Minotaur / Thunderbird come out, if the subscribe and import features were there, I would definitely use it.

» posted by jeffp on December 06, 2002 at 06:08 AM


Only problem w/ AOL products is everytime you install them they put the stupid aol icons on your desktop, start menu, bookmarks ect.

# posted by Jeremy

So, to follow up on Pinder's post from yesterday, I downloaded the beta and installed it. Lo and behold! It's Mozilla mail!

No, it isn't. It might look a little like Mozilla Mail & Newsgroups but it's not based on it. If you mess around in the Application Data folder, you'll see that it stores its messages differently. And the file copyright-notice.txt states that it uses the University of Washington IMAP toolkit, which Mozilla Mail doesn't (I don't think it does, anyway). The only part that is Mozilla-based is the message display (Gecko).

The UI is pretty clean, in some aspects, they go back to the way Netscape 4.x worked (mail header column organization)

I always hated that. I much prefer the Mozilla column picker to the 4.x you-can-choose-to-display-the-first-x-columns.

# posted by Alex Bishop

I'm sending heads-up alerts to Phoenix fans and people who use an inbox to try this. I like it a lot.
But can someone explain if this is somehow related to the "IM Ascendant" AOL 9.0 Peek reported by InstantMessagingPlanet. The first smartass geek I mentioned that to dismissed AOL9 as "just C## and .NET so it'll work on Windows." That doesn't seem to gibe with the report there that Apple's iChat system is incorporated.

# posted by Nigel L

It is nice to have POP and AOL accounts in one program. I work for AOL Time Warner and it sucked having to keep AOL 8.0 open all the time to send off a quick email (our company email was moved from Exchange to AOL when the merger went through) - it is a total resource hog. This program is sleek, fast and completely integrated with AOL mail. I only have two gripes - It needs to have some kind f sound that plays when a new email comes in, and it would be nice to be able to choose a default font. Other than that, the beta is stable (some crashes on my work Win98, though that is probably the OS)

Latest Screen Shots:

# posted by Matt Johnson

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